Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Don't exactly want to sing in THIS rain!

This rain is really depressing. There, its a statement. I have no intention of describing it or explaining why it is depressing. Its cold and wet, you do the math.
Well inspite of the depressing state of affairs I managed to watch "Harry potter and the goblet of fire", it was a mother-daughter date. Yes, I know "awwwww how cute". yeah yeah....
Getting to the point, this is the best potter movie yet. BLOODY brilliant. Does justice to the book and is magnificent on screen.
And? you would think that after yesterday's classy article on lethargy today would have dawned with a new found enthusiasm to catch up and repent for the past indulgences. Well, NO! Apparently its quite complicated to get out of the club. It is after all deluxe. It just needs some phasing out. :)

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